Should be short and should contain a summary of the text. The abstract should be different from the introduction.
Should not contain punctuation marks.
Article should start with an Introduction.
Submit a Word text that is as clean as possible.
English Language
-The text should be written in English. American English is used as standard.
-The author is asked not to use his or her own English translation of a Paul Scholten text that has already been translated into English. When the author disagrees with the translation given, he/she can indicate so in a footnote.
-The main text should be in English as much as possible. In case of citations, the text in the original tongue should be placed in the footnote. This is not required for texts of Paul Scholten, which are posted on the website
-Run-in quotes cannot be used for translated text. Such use suggests that the quotation refers to words used by the author, while it is the wording of the translator. In case of a translated text, a quote can be paraphrased by the author, with a reference to the text in the footnote. Full block quotes of translated texts are sometimes a better alternative. The block quote will be accompanied by (trans.+initials or abbreviation of the name of the translator).
Secondary Sources
An argument should rest primarily on original sources or their translations. The use of secondary sources is not recommended if not accompanied by references to original texts.
When blocknumbers are provided it is essential that they are used for referencing. This can be combined with reference to a pagenumber.
- We work with the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (note), Classic View. This means that the document must have footnotes, in which the references are abbreviated, and contain a list with full references at the end of the article. These footnotes will turn into endnotes when the article is published.
Do not use a dot after a hyperlink, because it leads to confusion.
We follow the google scholar standard in https://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/inclusion.html#indexing